The Bigger Picture of Recidivism
Recidivism is a term that is frequently used in regards to incarcerated prisoners that have been rearrested. The term recidivism [ri-sid-uh-viz-uh’m] originates from the Latin recidiv, meaning to relapse, recur or fall.
In modern terms, recidivism means a repeated or habitual relapse, as into crime. The term often applies to released prisoners that after returning to the community, re-offend the same crime they were originally incarcerated for and are sent back to prison.
The question comes up-why would recidivism even occur? A prisoner does his/her required time in prison, is released, only to offend again and get reincarnated? Opinions vary widely on this subject.
Will longer sentences reduce recidivism? Those advocating longer sentences believe that while incarcerated, the offending prisoner can not reoffend while locked up.