Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Graduates 25 Boys

Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Graduates 25 Boys

At the end of October 2011, twenty-five teenage boys earned their high-school diplomas while being held at Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility in Indiana. The teens earned their degrees through Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility’s Vantage Pointe Learning Center.

Many of these teenagers are high-school drop-outs and without a GED, have little chance of finding a job and contributing to society upon release. Because they now have GED’s, they may be eligible to enroll in college programs to further their education.

You’ve aimed higher and have achieved something special that others in your circumstances have not. I congratulate you on a job well done – thank you for learning from your mistakes – and I charge you to keep moving forward.

Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman spoke to the graduates at the October 2011 graduation ceremony.

 “As we celebrate today, I know that you’re already aiming higher for the future. Spending time in a juvenile correction facility isn’t exactly on the list of things most young people hope to do in their lives. There have been, possibly, bad decisions in the past – decisions that brought some hard consequences.”

“But you’ve clearly chosen not to allow a bumpy start to derail you. You’ve used your time here wisely, and taken opportunities to build something for yourself. And when you leave here you’ll be able to move forward, full steam ahead into a brighter future.”

The boys were able to graduate with cap and gown to receive their diplomas and one teen-aged boy, although recently released from the facility, returned to Logansport to participate in the ceremony.

The boys received their training and education from the highly-dedicated staff of correctional instructors who saw the potential within their students. They encouraged them to reach for their goals and beyond, adding the right elements of support, encouragement, and understanding.

It is our hope that many other teenagers that have made bad decisions in their youth are offered an opportunity to learn and move on to becoming productive citizens.
