College for Convicts Book

First published in 2014, award-winning College for Convicts examines a wealth of studies by researchers, correctional professionals, and educators, finding an irrefutable conclusion: provide education to prisoners and they won’t return to crime. American prisons hold about 2.3 million men and women – about 25% of the world’s prisoners. This costs American taxpayers $70 Billion per year, and up to 80% of prisoners return to jail within 3-5 years.

Recidivism rates (the number of prisoners who return to prison) are proven to drop dramatically with each additional level of education attained, and it is possible to achieve 0% recidivism. Not only would educating prisoners save taxpayers money, but it would also reduce crime rates and improve our families and community overall.

College for Convicts presents a workable solution to America’s over-incarceration and recidivism problems, demonstrating that although controversial, great fiscal benefits arise when even modest sums are spent educating prisoners, instead of dedicating exponentially higher resources confining them.

As Christopher Zoukis says, “Not only does education change lives, but when used as a crime control strategy, it is the most cost-effective, proven method of reducing recidivism. The discussion concerning if prisoners deserve to receive an education behind bars should be tabled in favor of a discussion concerning how to improve public safety. The end goal of corrections is enhanced public safety, not enhanced punishment for punishment’s sake.”

“Incarcerated author Zoukis gives excellent examples to demonstrate that the US would benefit from higher education for inmates by preparing them for life after prison. The author cites statistics showing prisoners with higher education have a much lower recidivism rate, reducing prison overcrowding and saving society billions. The book ends with important appendixes on the FBP’s position, on becoming pen pals with prisoners, funding, free books, & more. A strongly suggested purchase. Highly recommended. All public & academic levels/libraries.”

— M. G. Meacham, Valdosta State University

Read More Reviews on Amazon, McFarland Books, Huffington Post, and Goodreads.

Media Resources

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