Prisoners' Guerrilla Handbook

Prisoners’ Guerrilla Handbook to Correspondence Programs in the U.S. and Canada (3rd Edition) by Jon Marc Taylor, Ph.D.

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Prison Legal News
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West Brattleboro, VT 05303


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ISBN: 978-0-9819385-0-9

Price: $49.95, 224 pages

The updated third edition of the Prisoners’ Guerrilla Handbook provides more than 160 program listings for incarcerated students to review when deciding which correspondence program to enroll in.  Each listing contains information on the cost, course offerings, contact information, and quality of courses offered.

The Prisoners’ Guerrilla Handbook includes listings for undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States and Canada.  It also provides program listings for high schools and vocational studies.

Dr. Taylor’s venerable Prisoners’ Guerrilla Handbook offers the value of his 25 years of experience as an incarcerated student, prison education advocate, and author.  It offers useful commentary and successful strategies for pursuing education from behind the wall.  Presented in a large format and easy-to-use package, the Prisoners’ Guerrilla Handbook is a great asset for any incarcerated student and for every prison library.