
Directory of Pen Pal Companies for Prisoners

By Christopher Zoukis

A common pastime of prisoners is writing those outside of prison.  This traditional correspondence regimen helps to alleviate the boring stretches of down time and allows prisoners to expand their world through the extension of those they write to.  As such, the value of this activity cannot be downplayed.  Pen pals not only help to pass the time, but also to ground a prison inmate to the world they will one day again belong.

The prison pen pal market is dominated by two distinct entities: companies which operate prison pen pal websites, and magazines which contain advertisements of people outside of prison who are seeking a pen pal in prison.  In our Directory of Pen Pal Companies for Prisoners we list both.  Pen pal companies and publications are notorious for folding without notice and closing shop abruptly.  As such, prisoners should verify a company’s or publication’s history before sending any money to its operators.  Due to this regular occurrence, some of these organizations will become out of date shortly after posting.  That is just the name of the game.  To help the Prison Law Blog readers with selecting a quality prison pen pal service, we’ve gone ahead and hyperlinked the web addresses of the pen pal companies that we feel we can recommend.

With this being said, enclosed below is’s Directory of Pen Pal Companies for Prisoners.  Perhaps it will help to connect those inside of prison to those caring souls outside, who are interested in throwing a lifeline to the incarcerated.




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