
Use of Electronic Monitoring Skyrockets

A study by the Pew Charitable Trusts, released on September 7, 2016, revealed that the number of accused and convicted offenders required to wear some kind of electronic monitoring device has increased by nearly 140 percent in the last decade. Electronic monitoring devices generally consist of GPS and radio-frequency (RF) units. GPS systems are used

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Some GPS Devices Capable of Audio Recording

Civil libertarians and prisoner advocacy groups have expressed shock and outrage at the discovery that some Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking devices, used to monitor the movement and whereabouts of many pre-trial defendants, parolees, sex offenders, and other persons, function like cell phones and are capable of recording conversations without the knowledge or consent of

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GPS Monitoring System in Los Angeles Plagued by False Alerts, Ignored Alarms

Los Angeles County’s GPS monitoring system, designed to keep track of high-risk probationers, has overwhelmed probation officers with thousands of false alerts each day – so many that some officers simply ignore them. As a result, dozens of probationers have been able to roam unmonitored. In some cases, even when probationers removed their monitoring devices,

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The Pitfalls of Electronic Monitoring

By Dianne Frazee-Walker Prior to the March murder of Colorado corrections chief Tom Clements by parolee EvanEbel, there were many warning signs that monitoring bracelets were not properly functioning. Ebel was a parolee, who wore an ankle bracelet.  He tore off his ankle bracelet and went on a shooting spree killing Clements and Nathan Leon, an innocent pizza

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