
Universal Pre-K Provides Builds Crucial Foundations

One of the most pressing issues with mass incarceration is the school-to-prison pipeline and the current education system. One of the most effective ways at reducing incarceration is ensuring that as many people as possible have access to quality education throughout their lives, beginning as early as possible. Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs have a range of

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DAs Agree: Pay for Pre-K Education Now, or Prison Later

By Dan Clark Spending money on pre-kindergarten programs now will inevitably save the taxpayers of Pennsylvania money in the long run when they are not paying as much to lock up criminals, according to a report by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. To drive that point home on Wednesday, District Attorneys Risa Ferman, Montgomery County,

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Pre-K Supporters Say More Early Education Could Lead to Lower Prison Numbers

By Ellen Abbott Research shows a connection between early childhood education and crime. Central New York boosters of universal pre-kindergarten say that should be an important consideration when it comes to funding quality programs. Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler says the statistics logically lead to the conclusion that pre-K prevents crime. “There’s a direct correlation

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