The National Juvenile Justice Education Clearinghouse

The National Juvenile Justice Education Clearinghouse

In conjunction with the Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice and Florida State University comes the National Juvenile Justice Education Clearinghouse. This vast project collects and consolidates information and data concerning juvenile justice.

The purpose of the National Juvenile Justice Education Clearinghouse is to provide a place where juvenile justice educators can research and share information related to juvenile justice. Users can study and print documents related to government research reports, policy recommendations, and program planning.

The Alliance seeks to better prepare past criminals for successful reentry into society through supporting juvenile and adult correctional educators with research-driven education programs. The Alliance will also increase citizen awareness and legislative support for juvenile and adult correctional education through public relations and legislative advocacy.

Various states can be searched when looking for documents, reports, and information related to the following topics:

  • Education and Transition Services
  • Monitoring/Evaluation Standards
  • Education Program Monitoring/Evaluation Results
  • Highly Qualified Teachers
  • Recidivism
  • Post-Release Employment
  • Post-Release Education
  • Population/Demographics
  • Education Performance while Incarcerated

Types of documents states submit include annual juvenile justice education reports and educational outcome reports. Juvenile justice annual reports include recidivism results, special reports and studies conducted in juvenile justice education, and states’ academic monitoring standards for juvenile justice education.

This is a fantastic resource for juvenile justice educators, lawmakers, policymakers, and individuals looking for information that is difficult to find.

In addition to The National Juvenile Justice Education Clearinghouse, Florida State University and the Correctional Association of Education in Juvenile Justice and Adult Corrections have created an alliance for the Advancement in Juvenile Justice and Adult Corrections.

This alliance, along with other organizations, wishes to provide leadership, direction, and research-driven services to advance education for juvenile and adult corrections students. This alliance will ultimately result in research and policies that will help improve the quality of education services for juvenile and adult corrections.
