The Womens Village: A Source of Change for Incarcerated Women

The Womens Village: A Source of Change for Incarcerated Women

Women incarcerated at the Washington Corrections Center for Women have united together to create a community with the prison called The Womens Village. The idea for The Womens Village came about as both women inmates and staff wanted to create a more positive community environment, help incarcerated women change their thinking, and help create a more positive prison environment, especially for long-term prisoners.

The women involved with The Womens Village realized that they could utilize their unique strengths to create a prison culture based on the pursuit of personal excellence.

The project offers the women a unique opportunity to share their personal experiences and knowledge to inspire each other to change and make positive contributions to the community in which they all live — the prison.

The Womens Village has an advisory council and governing capacity that helps to provide leadership and direction. Ten women serve on the council, working diligently to create a healthier prison atmosphere.

One of the goals of The Womens Village is to help reduce violence in the correctional facility. One way is to keep the women busy. If the women are kept busy and can find a passion, problems can be addressed before they escalate into full-blown violence. Keeping active can be a great stress reducer, and finding something to focus on can build self-esteem and confidence.

From this think tank of the advisory council come nine sub-councils that can help the female inmates stay engaged.

Violence Reduction Team: responsible for monitoring the prison environment and finding ways to reduce violence.

Health & Wellness Team: facilitates wellness classes such as women’s health, nutrition, and fitness programs.

Environmental Team: helps women create a sustainable environment.

Peer Support Team: help women prisoners deal with the realities of day-to-day life in prison. They work directly with the mental health staff.

Morale Building Team: helps women deal with their feelings by encouraging a positive atmosphere.

Reentry Team: helps with programs to help with the reentry process, job readiness classes, resume writing, and proper work attire.

Spirituality Team: gives women a chance to explore their spiritual beliefs.

Family Support: parenting groups, building positive family relationships, and workshops on family dynamics.

Women prisoners interested in The Women Village must become members, participate in a series of orientations, and commit to two self-help groups. During orientation, the women can develop personal goals they want to address and reach as part of The Womens Village.

What struck me as so sincere about this program are the values. Honesty, Compassion, Diversity, Self-Empowerment, Education, and Usefulness. These deep core values have had a profound effect on helping women prisoners to be a source of change for each other within prison walls. The Womens Village program is a unique and supportive community under challenging circumstances.
