By Leigh Erin Carlson, National Director of Programs
While news reports and scientific studies are now touting the benefits of prisoner education, at GOGI, it is considered old news that the education of inmates and prisoners correlates with increased levels of success upon release. We have known this fact because we asked the prisoners. By asking the prisoners what they needed and listening, it became very clear; education and jobs.
At GOGI, we listen to the incarcerated and build our self-help educational opportunities to match their clearly stated needs. The GOGI TOOLS FOR POSITIVE DECISION MAKING have proven invaluable in the RELEASE PREPARATION of tens of thousands of prisoners who have found internal freedom, as well as physical freedom, through the practice of these prisoner-designed tools.
The GOGI CERTIFICATE PROGRAM is $250.00 but is subsidized for the prisoner by community donors, which reduces the cost to $50.00, and upon completion and review, they will receive a formal certificate of completion. This certificate reminds the student that they now have simple tools to aid their continued positive decision-making efforts. For more information on the donor-paid HOW TO GOGI book or the donor-subsidized GOGI CERTIFICATE PROGRAM, please write:
PO BOX 88969
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Published Nov 14, 2014 by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA | Last Updated by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA on Jul 10, 2024 at 12:06 pm