Federal Prisons in Minnesota | Minnesota Federal Prisons

Minnesota houses three stand-alone federal prisons and one federal prison camp. Each of these Minnesota federal prisons is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. In total, 2,462 inmates are housed inside federal prisons in Minnesota.

Minnesota Federal Prisons by Security Level

Low-Security Federal Prisons in Minnesota

  • FCI Sandstone (Sandstone, MN)
  • FCI Waseca (Waseca, MN)

Minimum-Security Federal Prisons in Minnesota

  • FPC Duluth (Duluth, MN)

Administrative-Security Federal Prisons in Minnesota

  • FMC Rochester (Rochester, MN)
Minnesota Federal Prisons

Federal Prisons in Minnesota

FPC Duluth

Federal Prison Camp Duluth is a minimum-security level federal prison located in Duluth, Minnesota. It is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. FPC Duluth is a Medical Care Level 2 prison. It houses 350 male inmates.

FMC Rochester

Federal Medical Center Rochester is an administrative-security-level federal prison located in Rochester, Minnesota. It is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. FMC Rochester is a Medical Care Level 3/4 prison. It houses 638 male inmates.

FCI Sandstone

Federal Correctional Institution Sandstone is a low-security level federal prison located in Sandstone, Minnesota. It is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. FCI Sandstone is a Medical Care Level 1 prison. It houses 1,062 male inmates.

FCI Waseca

Federal Correctional Institution Waseca is a low-security level federal prison located in Waseca, Minnesota. It is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. FCI Waseca is a Medical Care Level 2 prison. It houses 598 female inmates.

Federal Prisons In Minnesota

List of Minnesota Federal Prisons

There are three federal prisons in Minnesota, as well as one federal prison camp. The North Central Regional Office of the Bureau of Prisons oversees all of them. By clicking on the below links, you will be taken to each facility’s detailed profile where you can learn about specific facility offerings, information, and contact details.

Duluth Prison Camp

Federal Prison Camp Duluth is located in Saint Louis County on the former Duluth Air Force Base just seven miles north of Duluth, Minnesota. Inmates, all of whom are deemed to be nonviolent, live in dormitory-style housing and sleep in bunk beds. They have access to fitness equipment and reading materials. Additionally, they are expected to hold down jobs and enhance their education and life skills in preparation for their eventual release.

Rochester FMC

Federal Medical Center Rochester is located in southeastern Minnesota, just two miles east of the downtown area. This administrative facility houses male inmates of all security levels who require ongoing mental health or medical care. It is the sole federal prison in Minnesota with this designation and is only one of six like it in the federal system. To meet the sometimes complex medical and psychological needs of inmates, FMC Rochester’s staff is supplemented with a wide variety of specialists, including a dentist, nurse practitioners, physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, a radiological technician, a respiratory therapist, and laboratory technicians. In addition, inmates have access to various classes, therapy groups, and substance abuse courses.

Sandstone FCI

Federal Correctional Institution Sandstone is located in Sandstone, Minnesota, in Pine County, approximately 100 miles northeast of Minneapolis/St. Paul and 70 miles southwest of Duluth. One of two Minnesota federal prisons designated as low-security, it serves male offenders. The campus also contains a segregated, high-security wing where informants and others in danger of retaliation are incarcerated. Several high-profile inmates have been housed here, including Comedian Tim Allen. Along with other Minnesota federal prisons, all of those incarcerated here are accepted to have jobs and participate in educational, vocational, and enrichment classes.

Waseca FCI

Federal Correctional Institution Waseca is located in Waseca, Minnesota, 75 miles from Minneapolis. The facility, which was once a part of the University of Minnesota, opened in 1995 as a prison for males, but it was converted to an all-female facility in 2008. Those incarcerated at this facility must hold down prison jobs throughout their sentences and must also participate in educational and/or enrichment classes.

Wikipedia Pages About Each Minnesota Facility