USP Florence | Florence Prison | Florence Colorado Federal Prison

United States Penitentiary Florence is a high-security federal prison located in Florence, Colorado. It is also known as USP Florence and FCC Florence. The facility houses male inmates.

USP Florence Contact Information

Facility Address & Contact Information

United States Penitentiary Florence
5880 Highway 67 South
Florence, CO

Phone: 719-784-9454
Fax: 719-784-5157
Email: [email protected]

BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page

Inmate Correspondence Address

USP Florence

Inmate Name and Registration Number
USP Florence
United States Penitentiary
P.O. Box 7000
Florence, CO

How to Send Money

Funds cannot be sent directly to inmates. See our page on sending money to federal prisoners.

United States Penitentiary Florence Inmate Information

Inmate Gender

Male Inmates

Prison Security Level

High-Security Federal Prison

Facility Location

USP Florence is located on State Highway 67, 90 miles south of Denver, 45 miles south of Colorado Springs, and 40 miles west of Pueblo.

BOP Region

North Central Region

BOP Institution Code

FLP for USP Florence, FLF for Florence Federal Correctional Complex (FCC Florence)

Medical Care Level

Level 2. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.

Mental Health Care Level

Level 2.

Judicial District

District of Colorado

Population Number

USP Florence houses approximately 740 inmates.

USP Florence Prison Services Information

USP Florence | FCC Florence


United States Penitentiary Florence is a high-security federal prison in Florence, Colorado, which houses male inmates. It was opened in 1994 and is part of the Florence Federal Correctional Complex (FCC Florence).

Notable inmates include:

  • Silk Road founder and operator Ross Ulbricht (serving a life sentence for money laundering, computer hacking, and conspiracy to distribute narcotics)
  • Walli Mujahidh (serving 17 years for conspiracy to commit murder of U.S. military officers)

Media reports indicate that at least two staff members have been assaulted by inmates, at least two prisoners have been murdered by fellow prisoners, and one guard was indicted for beating a handcuffed inmate.

Inmate Housing

Inmates are housed in one- and two-person cells.

Health Services

Care available to inmates in the Health Services Department includes:

  • Dental Care
  • Physical Examinations
  • Medications
  • Chronic Care
  • Preventive Health Services

Emergency medical care is available 24 hours a day. Inmates must submit a triage form for routine health care needs.

Psychology Services

Psychology services at USP Florence include:

  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Individual/Group Counseling
  • Psycho-Educational Classes
  • Self-Help
  • Supportive Services
  • Medications

Inmates can request treatment either through cop-out or by visiting the Psychology open house. The facility also offers the STAGES Program for inmates with serious mental illness and personality disorders.

Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)

Florence Colorado Federal Prison does not have the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP), but referrals can be made to institutions that do provide RDAP. A Drug Abuse Education Class and the Non-Residential Drug Abuse Program (NR-DAP) are available.

USP Florence Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings

Education Services

USP Florence provides GED and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs. Incentive awards are provided to recognize inmates making good progress and completing the literacy (i.e., GED and ESL) program. Inmates may also receive incentives for progressing to various levels in the GED or ESL programs.

Graduation ceremonies recognize GED, ESL, and Occupational Education completions. Courses are available in Adult Continuing Education (ACE) and parenting. High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.

Advanced Occupational Education

USP Florence does not offer any advanced occupational education programs.

Vocational Training

USP Florence does not offer any vocational training programs.


USP Florence does not offer any apprenticeship programs.

Library Services

The leisure library offers inmates a variety of reading materials, including magazines, newspapers, fiction, nonfiction, and reference books. An interlibrary loan program is also available. Inmates are provided with legal materials to prepare legal documents through the use of the TRULINCS Electronic Law Library. Inmates also have access to typewriters and a copy machine.


USP Florence does not house a UNICOR facility.


Inmates may use funds in their trust fund account to purchase items at the institution commissary. They may spend up to $360.00 per month and can only shop once a week on their designated shopping day. Prisoners turn in their order forms at the commissary and wait for their orders to be filled.

Recreation Services

Leisure activities include organized and informal games, sports, physical fitness, table games, hobby crafts, music programs, intramural activities, social and cultural organizations, and movies.

Art activities include painting and sketching. Hobbycraft activities include:

  • Ceramics
  • Leatherwork
  • Models
  • Clay
  • Mosaics
  • Crochet
  • Knitting
  • Sculptures
  • Woodworking
  • Lapidary

Wellness programs include screening, assessments, goal setting, fitness/nutrition plans, and counseling.

Indoors, inmates have access to step machines, treadmills, ellipticals, basketball, volleyball, tables, and a band room. Outside, inmates have access to softball, horseshoes, basketball, pull-up bars, handball, and soccer.

Visitation Information for USP Florence

On Sunday and Saturday, visiting hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. On federal holidays visiting hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.

USP Florence | Florence Colorado Federal Prison

USP Florence Prison Culture Information

Prison Politics at United States Penitentiary Florence

This is a very political yard where inmates are required to be part of a car.

Level of Violence

There is a significant level of violence at this facility. Inmate respondents report daily fights and weekly stabbings.

Vulnerable Populations

Sex offenders and informants can’t walk the yard. LGBT inmates can remain if they are willing to fight.

Good at USP Florence

“Great recreation, education, and library.”

Bad at USP Florence

“Politics, staff indifference, and psychology offerings.”

Other Inmate Comments

“Very violent and political prison. No independence due to safety concerns. You have to go with your people everywhere. Avoid going here at all costs.”

FCC Florence in the News

In December 2010, the United States Penitentiary Florence was temporarily locked down after a prisoner struck two staff members in the face.

In August 2008, a prisoner at USP Florence was stabbed to death.

In 1998, Stephen Mills, a guard at USP Florence, was convicted and sentenced for beating a prisoner, Fred Davis, who was handcuffed and restrained at the time. His 33-month sentence was the lowest possible.

In 1997, prisoner Frank Melendez was murdered in USP Florence’s Special Housing Unit (SHU). Prison Legal News reported more than half of BOP deaths in the fiscal year 1997 occurred at USP Florence.

More Information About United States Penitentiary Florence

For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about USP Florence and FCC Florence, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.