Federal Correctional Institution Florence is a medium-security federal prison located in Florence, Colorado. It is also known as FCI Florence, Florence Correctional Center, and Florence County Detention Center. FCI Florence Camp is adjacent to the central institution. Both prisons incarcerated male inmates.
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Our team of experienced prison consultants can help you prepare for your time behind bars, resolve any issues, and review your case to determine if you qualify for early release from federal prison.
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Table of contents
FCI Florence Contact Information
Facility Address & Contact Information
Federal Correctional Institution Florence
5880 Highway 67 South
Florence, CO 81226
Phone: 719-784-9100
Fax: 719-784-9504
Email: [email protected]
BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page
Inmate Correspondence Address
FCI Florence
Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Florence
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 6000
Florence, CO 81226
FCI Florence Prison Camp
Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Florence Camp
Satellite Prison Camp
P.O. Box 5000
Florence, CO 81226
How to Send Money
Inmates may not receive funds directly. See our page on sending money to federal prisoners. This page explains how to send money to inmates, including the National Lockbox in Des Moines, Iowa.
Federal Correctional Institution Florence Inmate Information
Inmate Gender
Male Inmates
Prison Security Level
Facility Location
FCI Florence is on State Highway 67, 90 miles south of Denver, 45 miles south of Colorado Springs, and 40 miles west of Pueblo. Note that this is a different prison from the institution in Florence, AZ.
BOP Region
BOP Institution Code
FLF for FCI Florence, FLF for Florence Federal Correctional Complex
Medical Care Level
Level 2. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.
Mental Health Care Level
Level 2.
Judicial District
Population Number
FCI Florence houses approximately 965 inmates. The camp houses around 360 inmates.
FCI Florence Prison Services Information
Federal Correctional Institution Florence is a medium-security federal prison in Florence, Colorado. It opened in 1993 and is part of the Florence Federal Correctional Complex. Federal Correctional Institution Florence Camp opened in 1992 next to the primary institution. Both house male inmates.
Inmates at FCI Florence have access to a college degree program through a partnership with Greenville College.
Notable inmates include:
- Francisco Duran (serving a 40-year sentence for attempting to assassinate then-U.S. President Bill Clinton)
- Former Baltimore police detective William King (serving a life sentence for stealing money and narcotics)
- Frant Beckley (convicted of unlawful internet gambling, wire fraud, and bank fraud)
Media reports indicate that at least two inmates have been murdered at the facility, and one guard has been federally indicted for sexually assaulting an inmate. There have been at least two escapes from the camp.
Please note FCI Florence is a United States federal prison. It is not a private prison or a Colorado Department of Corrections facility. Additionally, it is not an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.
Inmate Housing
Florence County Detention Center inmates live in two-, six-, and eight-person cells within the eight housing units. Camp inmates live in dormitories within the two housing units.
Health Services
Florence Correctional Facility offers inmates numerous medical services, including:
- Sick Calls
- Dental Sick Calls
- Physical Examinations
- Medications
- Eyeglasses
- Chronic Care
- Preventive Health Services
- Emergency Services
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Conditions
- Mental Health Care
Mandatory HIV testing is conducted at Florence Correctional Center when there are risk factors, the test is clinically indicated, or surveillance testing is required. MRSA and TB screenings are also performed annually.
Dental and medical sick calls are at 7:00 a.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Pill and insulin lines are at breakfast and at 6:00 p.m. Medication pick-up is at 1:00 p.m.
Psychology Services
Psychologists are available by submitting an Inmate Request to Staff Member form. In emergencies, inmates can obtain care by alerting a staff member.
Psychology Services at Florence Correctional Center perform various functions for the inmate population. Some of these functions include sponsoring psycho-educational classes on anger and stress management and sexual abuse/assault prevention and intervention.
Counseling alternatives include anger management, self-image groups, and other voluntary groups. Inmate participation in these activities is encouraged upon staff assessment of inmate needs, but participation in such activities is voluntary.
A self-help library is also available. Unit staff is available for informal counseling sessions and can conduct formal group counseling activities in housing units.
Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)
Both FCI Florence and the satellite camp have the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). A Drug Education class, the Non-Residential Drug Abuse Program (NR-DAP), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and People In Prison Entering Sobriety programs are also provided.
FCI Florence Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings
Education Services
Florence Detention Center provides GED and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs. Inmate education courses are also available in:
- Social Education-Life Skills
- Parenting
- Adult Continuing Education (ACE)
- Career Counseling
- Release Preparation
High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.
Hours of operation are 7:40 to 10:30 a.m., 12:40 to 3:30 p.m., and 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for Friday after 4:00 p.m. The Education Department is also open until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday but closed Sunday.
Advanced Occupational Education
FCI Florence offers advanced occupational education programs in Building Trades, Cabinet/Furniture Maker, Computer Assisted Drafting, and Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts. Both facilities provide Green Energy.
Vocational Training
Florence Correctional Facility does not offer any vocational training besides its advanced occupational education programs.
FCI Florence does not offer any apprenticeships.
Library Services
The Florence County Detention Center leisure and law library are available through the Education Department. Inmates can check out fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, and newspapers in the inmate library. DVD movies and NEO word processors are also available for inmate use.
In the law library, inmates can use the TRULINCS Electronic Law Library computers, typewriters, and a copy machine.
FCI Florence Correctional Center does not have a UNICOR facility.
The monthly $360 spending limit is further restricted to $180 every two weeks. Postage stamps, copy cards, and photo tickets do not count against the spending limit.
Inmates may shop once a week in the prison commissary on their shopping day. Shopping is currently conducted Monday through Thursday at 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Various food, drink, hygiene, clothing, and electronic items are available. If inmates only purchase hygiene items, they can go during lunch without a commissary form. Otherwise, order forms must be submitted two days before shopping. SHU inmates shop on Friday.
Recreation Services
Inmates at Florence Correctional Center have access to both indoor and outdoor recreation facilities. Personal fitness, group sports, and hobby craft projects are available.
Inside, inmates have access to:
- Pool Tables
- Art and Leather Rooms
- Tables
- Treadmills
- Ellipticals
- Stationary Bikes
- Stair Steppers
- Music Program
Outside, Florence County Detention Center inmates have access to:
- Weights
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Handball
- Softball
- Pull-Up Bars
- Tennis
- Bocce Ball
- Horseshoes
- Volleyball
- Track
Hours of operation are 6:30 to 10:30 a.m., 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., and 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Visitation Information for FCI Florence
Inmate visiting is based on a visitation schedule. Visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Sundays and Saturdays. Visitation is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on federal holidays. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.
FCI Florence Prison Culture Information
Prison Politics at Federal Correctional Institution Florence
This is a very political yard where inmates must be part of a car. According to one Florence Correctional Facility inmate, “All new arrivals must provide their paperwork to prove that they aren’t an informant or a sex offender.” Another respondent explained that “cells and the dining room are segregated by race.”
Level of Violence
There is a moderate-to-high level of violence at Florence Correctional Center. Inmates report several fights per month, though cars essentially keep violence controlled and out of staff view. According to one inmate, lockdowns occur when the violence spills into plain sight.
Another respondent explained, “There are many prisoners who transferred from the USP across the street. They tend to bring the USP mentality with them.”
A third Florence Correctional Facility inmate stated, “The fighting is usually over dope or debt, and sometimes insults or scores from other prisons. Lockdowns are frequent but not long-lasting.”
Vulnerable Populations
Sex offenders and informants can’t stay. LGBT inmates can remain if they are willing to fight, but they are still ostracized.
One Florence County Detention Center inmate stated that “sex offenders are usually ‘asked’ to check in.” Another Florence Correctional Center inmate agreed, saying, “Sex offenders are not allowed to walk the yard.” He further explained, “While gays are ok to stay, I don’t think there are any transgender inmates.”
One Florence Detention Center prisoner cautioned, “Don’t rely on the assurances of SIS at intake that you can walk the yard. If you are a sex offender and others find out, they will take violent actions against you. If you are part of certain racial groups (e.g., Native Americans, etc.) and are found out, they don’t even give you a chance for the person to check in. They take physical action immediately after you get off the bus.”
Good at FCI Florence Correctional Center
“Scenery of surrounding mountains; good quality and quantity of food.” “They feed real meals in the Styrofoam containers during lockdowns (no bologna sandwiches).”
“Incredible mountain vistas all around; medical trips to Pueblo or Colorado Springs are awesome.” “Guards are mellow.” “Clothing handout is responsive and good.” “Washers and dryers are still in the housing units, which also have three microwaves and 11 TVs per unit.”
Bad at FCI Florence
“Politics.” “There are metal detectors everywhere.” “Lunches are filling, but the suppers are skimpy.”
Other Inmate Comments
“If you can walk there, definitely go.” “If you stay away from dope and gambling, and you are not a sex offender, the chances of you getting involved in violence is slim. The chow hall is organized by cars — collections of inmates from specific geographic regions or belonging to certain gangs. Car and racial support are expected of all inmates. You roll with your people.”
“The administration is slowly emptying the units to reduce the prison population.” “There are very few real jobs, most inmates work on job rosters for “ghost” jobs where no work is required or expected, but the pay is also bad.”
FCI Florence in the News
In 2011, four members of a prison gang — Jose Augustin Pluma, Juan Martin Ruelas, Mark Rosalez, and Justin Hernandez — were convicted of murdering prisoner Pablo Zuniga-Garcia at Federal Correctional Institution Florence.
In 2010, Donald Denney was arrested trying to smuggle black tar heroin, which was concealed in his rectum, into FCI Florence for his son of the same name, who was a prisoner there.
In 2004, Rebecca Miller, a nurse at Florence Correctional Facility, was charged with two counts of having sex with a male prisoner.
In 1996, Florence County Detention Center prisoner Charles Morrison was murdered.
Florence Prison Camp in the News
In July 2008, Edward Davidson escaped from Federal Correctional Institution Florence Camp when his wife drove him away. A few days later, Davidson killed her and his three-year-old daughter.
In 2006, John Reynolds was sentenced to an additional 16 months in prison after escaping from FCI Florence Camp in 1999.
More Information About Federal Correctional Institution Florence
For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about FCI Florence, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.
Published Apr 26, 2018 by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA | Last Updated by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA on Jan 19, 2025 at 4:55 pm