Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low is a low-security federal prison located in Forrest City, Arkansas. It is also known as FCI Forrest City Low. FCI Forrest City Camp is adjacent to the central institution. Both prisons house male inmates.
If you or a loved one are preparing to enter federal prison, it’s essential to have the right support system. The team at the Zoukis Consulting Group can help you prepare for what’s to come, resolve any issues you may have, and review your case to determine if you qualify for early release from prison.
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FCI Forrest City Low Contact Information
Facility Address & Contact Information
Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low
1400 Dale Bumpers Road
Forrest City, AR 72335
Phone: 870-630-6000
Fax: 870-494-4496
Email: [email protected]
BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page
Inmate Correspondence Address
FCI Forrest City Low
Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Forrest City Low
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 9000
Forrest City, AR 72336
FCI Forrest City Prison Camp
Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Forrest City Camp
Satellite Prison Camp
P.O. Box 8000
Forrest City, AR 72336
How to Send Money
Families may not send funds directly to inmates. See our page on sending money to federal prisoners.
Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low Inmate Information
Inmate Gender
Male Inmates
Prison Security Level
Facility Location
FCI Forrest City Low is in eastern Arkansas, between Little Rock (85 miles east) and Memphis (45 miles west), near I-40.
BOP Region
BOP Institution Code
FOR for FCI Forrest City Low; FOX for Forrest City Federal Correctional Complex
Medical Care Level
Level 2. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.
Mental Health Care Level
Level 2.
Judicial District
Population Number
FCI Forrest City Low houses approximately 1,400 inmates. The camp houses around 215 inmates.
FCI Forrest City Low Prison Services Information
Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low is a low-security federal prison in Forrest City, Arkansas. It opened in 1997 and is part of the Forrest City Federal Correctional Complex.
Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Camp opened in 1997 adjacent to the primary institution. Both prisons house male federal inmates.
Media reports indicate that two guards were arrested for possession with intent to distribute drugs in a school zone. Also, at least two inmates have escaped from the prison.
FCI Forrest City Medium is a medium-security federal prison located near FCI Forrest City Low.
Inmate Housing
Forrest City, Arkansas prison inmates are housed in dormitories divided into two- and three-person cubicles. There is also a room in each housing unit that houses 16 bunk beds for 32 inmates. There are 12 housing units, each of which holds approximately 150 inmates.
Health Services
Forrest City, Arkansas, federal prison offers inmates various medical care services. These include:
- Sick Call
- Medical Care
- Dental Care
- Medications
- Periodic Examinations
- Optometry
- Eyeglasses
All inmates receive a physical examination within their first 14 days of arriving at the facility. Emergency medical care is available 24 hours a day.
Routine care is available by submitting sick call forms. Sick call is conducted at 7:15 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The insulin line is at 6:30 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. Pill line is at 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. There is also a noon self-carry medication pickup.
Psychology Services
Psychology staff at Forrest City Federal Prison offer comprehensive individual and group therapy programs. These psychology treatment programs:
- Address Clinical Disorders
- Provide Self-Help Options
- Assess and Treat Behavioral Problems
- Facilitate Overall Adjustment
Crisis intervention is also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Typical treatment groups include:
- Anger Management
- Criminal Thinking
- Grief
- PTSD Support
- Seeking Safety
Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)
FCI Forrest City Low offers the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). The camp does not have the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). Both facilities provide various drug abuse programs, including a Drug Abuse Education Course, a Non-Residential Drug Abuse Program (NR-DAP), and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
FCI Forrest City Low Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings
Education Services
Forrest City Arkansas Prison provides GED and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs. Instructors use the Adult Basic Learning Exam (ABLE), Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), and Spanish Assessment of Basic Education (SABE) tests to determine each inmate’s academic abilities.
Adult Continuing Education (ACE) and parenting classes are also available to the inmate population. Current ACE offerings include:
- Public Speaking
- Philosophy
- Small Engine Repair
- Spanish
- Debate
- Motivational Speaking
- Financial Investments
High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.
The Education Department is open on the following days and times:
- Monday through Thursday: 7:30 to 10:00 a.m., 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., and 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- Fridays: 7:30 to 10:00 a.m., 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
- Saturdays: 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Advanced Occupational Education
FCI Forrest City Low offers advanced occupational education in Building Trades, Diesel Technology, and Drafting Technology. Both the main facility and the camp offer Drafting Technology and Office Technology.
Vocational Training
Forrest City Arkansas Federal Prison does not offer vocational training aside from advanced occupational education programs.
FCI Forrest City Low does not offer any apprenticeships.
Library Services
The Forrest City, Arkansas federal prison law library contains various legal reference materials to prepare legal papers. Reference materials include:
- United States Code Annotated
- Federal Reporter
- Supreme Court Reporter
- Federal Case Law
- Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statements
- Institution Supplements
All of these are available on the TRULINCS Electronic Law Library computers. Inmates also have access to six typewriters, a copy machine, and a computer (to view discovery materials). The law library is in the Education Department.
A leisure library is also available to inmates, where they can check out newspapers, magazines, and fiction and nonfiction books. An interlibrary loan program is available.
The FCI Forrest City Low UNICOR facility produces office furniture. The camp does not house a UNICOR facility.
Forrest City federal prison inmates can shop in the prison commissary once per week on their designated shopping day. Shopping is held Monday through Thursday between 6:30 and 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Inmates can spend up to $360.00 per month on food, drinks, clothing, electronics, and more. To shop, inmates must line up, turn in their commissary forms, and wait for their orders to be filled.
Recreation Services
FCI Forrest City Low offers a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Inmates have access to these prison recreation offerings:
- Pool Tables
- Stationary Bikes
- Treadmills
- Leatherwork
- Drawing
- Chess
- Piano
- Guitar
- Yoga
- Painting
- Ab Classes
Outside, inmates have access to:
- Softball
- Football
- Soccer
- Pickleball
- Handball
- Volleyball
- Bag Toss
- Horseshoes
- Bocce Ball
- Basketball
- Frisbee
- Track
Hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (excluding counts and meals) and 5:00 p.m. to sundown, Monday through Friday. On the weekends, the hours of operation are 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. to sunset.
Visitation Information for FCI Forrest City Low
Families and friends may visit inmates from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sundays and Saturdays. On federal holidays visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.
FCI Forrest City Low Prison Culture Information
Prison Politics at Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low
There is a low to moderate level of politics at Forrest City, Arkansas prison. Inmates are not required to be part of a car. One respondent said, “There is a deep racial separation here.”
Level of Violence
There is a low level of violence at the Forrest City, Arkansas, federal prison. One respondent pegged it as an “8 out of 10” for safety. Another stated that it was “good,” while another referred to the prison as “safe.”
One respondent specified that it “almost always involves money, drugs, cell phones, or things related when violence occurs.” Another inmate stated that “the level of violence is generally low. There are some fistfights and rare attacks with locks. For the most part, this is a safe compound.”
Vulnerable Populations
Sex offenders, informants, and LGBT inmates can stay. Some respondents felt that all were somewhat ostracized and excluded from the TV rooms, while others felt this was not the case. All said that such vulnerable populations shouldn’t have any problems.
One inmate, in particular, stated that “sex offenders are left alone for the most part, as are the gay guys.” He also expressed “a pretty robust gay community here” and the “five or so trans guys here have more problems with staff than with other inmates.” Another inmate expressed that “anyone can walk the yard.”
Good at FCI Forrest City Low
“Low violence and cops mostly leave you alone.” “If you have something coming your way, the medical/psychology relationship can be helpful.”
“The recreation department is good aside from the lack of dedication from staff. The UNICOR is also very good.” “It is fundamentally safe, even for me, a gay sex offender.”
Bad at FCI Forrest City Low
“Very dysfunctionally run. Things are never on time and are always inconsistent. Rules change from staff to staff every day.”
“Medical is ineffective and slow to respond to health issues. The staff generally is unmotivated and does not do their work with any schedule.” “All food is filled with carbs, and they seldom have a salad.”
“The general maintenance of this place is dismal. It could be better with a change in staff and some money spent on general maintenance.” “Overall, the facility is decent enough. Over the past ten years, it has shifted from a highly political yard to a very non-political one.”
“They have a penchant for mass punishment here due to the K2 and cell phone problems that they let get too out of control. If such contraband is found in a common area, everyone in the area loses phone and email privileges.” “At times, there is not a lot to do.”
“The staff is generally biased and lazy.” “The administration has stopped allowing families to mail books or magazines directly to inmates. Also, kids can’t mail cards they have drawn on.”
Other Inmate Comments
“Due to the number of drugs, tobacco, and cell phones found as of late in the Recreation Department, the administration has imposed special mass punishments on all inmates. This to include restrictions on recreation and incoming correspondence.”
“This facility used to be a good, well-run prison, but it has gone from good to lousy in the last three years. Poor leadership at the top is driving this place down.” “Just because it is a safe yard doesn’t mean that it is a good yard.”
“With 160 guys on a unit, it will be loud, and tempers will flare, but everyone gets along and does fine on the compound.”
FCI Forrest City Low in the News
In December 2016, Devoy Nokes and George Robert were recaptured after escaping from Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low the day before.
In November 2002, Shannon L. Hendrickson and Charles Troup, Jr., guards at FCI Forrest City Low, were arrested for possessing and trying to sell 2.2 grams of cocaine and 40 grams of marijuana near a school.
More Information About Federal Correctional Institution Forrest City Low
For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about FCI Forrest City Low, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.
Published Jun 2, 2018 by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA | Last Updated by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA on Jan 19, 2025 at 4:57 pm