McRae Correctional Facility | McRae Correctional Institution

McRae Correctional Facility is a low-security federal prison located in McRae, Georgia. It is also known as the McRae Correctional Institution and CI McRae. The facility houses male inmates.

Contact the Zoukis Consulting Group if your loved one is incarcerated at McRae Correctional Institution. Our team of prison experts can answer your questions, resolve prison problems, and review your case to see if you qualify for early release.

Book a one-hour initial consultation today!

McRae Correctional Facility Contact Information

Facility Address & Contact Information

Correctional Institution McRae
112 Jim Hammock Drive
McRae Helena, GA 31055

Phone: 229-868-7778
Fax: 229-868-7964
Email: [email protected]

BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Facility Page
CoreCivic Website: CoreCivic Prison Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page

Inmate Correspondence Address

Inmate Name and Registration Number
CI McRae
Correctional Institution
P.O. Drawer 55030
McRae Helena, GA 31055

How to Send Money

Inmates may not receive funds directly. Funds can be deposited via U.S. Mail. Money orders should contain the inmate’s name and registration number and send to the following address:

CoreCivic Inmate Trust
[Last Name, First Name, Inmate Registration Number]
Facility: McRae Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 16545
Atlanta, GA 30321-0545

Family and friends can also send funds via Western Union or call 1-800-634-3442.

Please note that personal checks and cash may not be sent to inmates. Additionally, do not enclose personal correspondence.

McRae Correctional Institution Inmate Information

Inmate Gender

Male Inmates

Prison Security Level

Low-Security Federal Prison

Facility Location

McRae Correctional Facility is in McRae-Helena, Telfair County, Georgia.

BOP Region

Southeast Region

BOP Institution Code

MCA for McRae Correctional Facility

Judicial District

Southern District of Georgia

Medical Care Level

Information is not available. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more details.

Mental Health Care Level

Information is not available.

Population Number

McRae Correctional Institution incarcerates approximately 1,500 federal inmates. The facility’s rated capacity is 2,275 inmates.

CI McRae Prison Services Information

Mcrae Correctional Facility | Mcrae Correctional Institution
Mcrae Correctional Facility | Mcrae Correctional Institution


McRae Correctional Facility is a private prison. CoreCivic owns and operates the facility. CoreCivic is formerly known as the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA).

The prison opened in 2002. It initially housed federal inmates under a ten-year contract with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. In 2012, the BOP entered into a new four-year contract allowing two-year extension options.

The inmate population primarily consists of low-security deportable aliens. While over 70 nationalities are represented, most McRae Correctional Institution inmates are from Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, and Central America.

The ACLU of Georgia reported 2014 that CI McRae “showed a record of violations of constitutional and Bureau of Prisons standards governing the medical treatment of prisoners.” According to the report, CoreCivic’s private facilities were beyond maximum capacity. Inmates at the facility raised concerns about all areas of prison service, including health care.

Inmate Housing

Inmates are housed in dormitory settings. There are eight housing units:

  • Grant
  • Houston
  • Jefferson
  • King
  • Lee
  • Marshall
  • Victor
  • Special Housing Unit

Dormitory-Style Housing Units

The Marshall, Lee, Houston, and Victor housing units contain six pods. They have a maximum capacity of 324 inmates each. The Victor Unit has been under construction since 2015 and does not currently house inmates.

Inmates in these housing units live in a dormitory setting. Tables, telephones, microwaves, and commissary kiosks are available in the day room. Restrooms and showers are located at the rear of each pod.

Cell Housing Units

The King, Jefferson, and Grant housing units house up to 256 inmates in two-person cells. Sinks and toilets are available in each cell. Each housing unit has five shower stalls with metal doors for privacy.

Special Housing Unit

The Special Housing Unit houses up to 198 inmates in three pods. Each cell has a sink and toilet. Inmates shower in special shower stalls in each pod. There are also 12 outside recreation cages.

Health Services

CI McRae’s medical unit employs physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and medical assistants. They provide routine check-ups, manage sick calls, and address everyday needs. Private correctional healthcare facilities typically include a dental clinic, as well.

Psychology Services

McRae Correctional Facility has a team of qualified mental health professionals to assist inmates who experience mental health problems. The staff helps inmates with emotional conflict and mental illness.

Staff screen inmates upon arrival. They are referred to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or mental health specialist for follow-up evaluation and intervention if needed. Medication is provided when required, as well as group and individual counseling.

CoreCivic staff receives training in identifying mental health crises. When needed, they refer inmates to psychology staff whenever they suspect a prisoner is experiencing a problem. Staff monitors the offender population for signs of declining mental health and suicide risk. According to CoreCivic, staff works actively to assist troubled offenders in their times of need.

Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)

Correctional Institution McRae offers the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP).

McRae Correctional Facility Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings

Education Services

CI McRae offers GED instruction. CoreCivic has partnered with the National Institute for Adult Education to provide adult education in Spanish. These Spanish classes are furnished through the Instituto Nacional de Educación para Los Adultos (INEA), an entity of the Mexican government.

High school diplomas, college, and career credentials are available through paid correspondence programs.

Learn more about correctional education offerings on our prison education page.

Advanced Occupational Education

McRae Correctional Facility does not offer any advanced occupational education programs.

Vocational Training

McRae Correctional Facility vocational training programs include:

  • Building Trades
  • Carpentry
  • Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)
  • Computer Applications
  • Construction
  • Culinary Arts
  • Electrical
  • Horticulture
  • HVAC
  • Landscaping
  • Masonry
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Workforce Readiness

Apprenticeship Training

Correctional Institution McRae does not offer any apprenticeship programs to inmates.

Library Services

The CI McRae library contains many magazines, newspapers, fiction and nonfiction books, reference materials, and more. The law library features legal resources and related tools commonly sought by inmates.


Correctional Institution McRae does not house a UNICOR facility.


Inmates and detainees at CI McRae have regular access to commissary services to support their health and wellness.

Residents can purchase beverages, light meals and snacks, over-the-counter medications, stationery, and clothing. Personal hygiene, religious, and other products are also available for sale.

Recreational Services

CI McRae offers inmates various sports and activities such as basketball, board games, creative writing, knitting, and other activities. Learn more about inmate recreation here.

Mcrae Correctional Facility | Mcrae Correctional Institution
Mcrae Correctional Facility | Mcrae Correctional Institution

Visitation Information for CI McRae

Inmates at McRae Correctional Institution may visit on Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. The visitation schedule rotates based on the inmate housing unit. CoreCivic policy permits inmates to receive at least two inmates monthly.

Please note inmates are only permitted three visitors at a time. These numbers include children aged six and under.

Visitation Hours

Families may visit inmates at CI McRae at the following times:

  • 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (AM Visitation)
  • 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (PM Visitation)

Visitors intending to visit for the AM visitation session must arrive at the facility before 10:00 a.m. Entrance to the institution for PM visits ends at 2:00 p.m.

Visitation Regulations

McRae Correctional Facility does not permit the following in the visitation room:

  • Shorts
  • Shower shoes
  • House Slippers
  • Thong Sandles
  • See-Through Clothing
  • Tank Tops or Halter Tops
  • Headgear or Hats (except for religious headgear)
  • Military Clothing
  • Short Dresses or Skirts (must be less than two inches above the knee)
  • Spandex

Additionally, the following visitation regulations apply:

  • All visitors must sanitize their hands before entry.
  • All visitation is non-contact.
  • No hugging, kissing, holding hands, or other forms of embracing.
  • Inmates may not hold their children.
  • No photographs.
  • Vending services are suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More Information About McRae Correctional Facility

For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about CI McRae, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.

Your McRae Correctional Institution Experts

Have a loved one incarcerated at CI McRae? If so, please contact the Zoukis Consulting Group. Our team can help you resolve in-prison issues and review your case for early release opportunities.

Schedule an initial consultation to speak with a McRae Correctional Institution expert today.