FCI Coleman Low | FCC Coleman

Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low is a low-security federal prison in Sumterville, Florida. It is also known as FCI Coleman Low, FCC Coleman, Coleman Correctional Facility, and Coleman Federal Correctional Complex. FCI Coleman Camp is adjacent to the primary institution. Both prisons house male inmates.

Are you or a loved one incarcerated at FCI Coleman Low? The team at the Zoukis Consulting Group can help. We can answer your questions, resolve any in-prison issues, and help you seek an early release from custody.

Book an initial consultation with an FCC Coleman federal prison expert today!

FCI Coleman Low Contact Information

Facility Address & Contact Information

Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low
846 NE 54th Terrace
Sumterville, FL 33521

Phone: 352-689-4000
Fax: 352-689-4008
Email: [email protected]

BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page

Inmate Correspondence Address

FCI Coleman Low

Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Coleman Low
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1031
Coleman, FL 33521

FCI Coleman Prison Camp

Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Coleman
Satellite Prison Camp
P.O. Box 1027
Coleman, FL 33521

How to Send Money

Funds cannot be sent directly to inmates. See our page on sending money to federal prisoners. This page profiles sending money to inmates via Western Union, Money Gram, and the national lockbox in Des Moines, Iowa.

Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low Inmate Information

Inmate Gender

Male Inmates

Prison Security Level

Facility Location

FCC Coleman Low is located in central Florida, south of the town of Coleman. The institution is off Highway 301 on State Road 471 in Sumter County. It is about 50 miles northwest of Orlando, 60 miles northeast of Tampa, and 35 miles south of Ocala.

BOP Region

Southeast Region

BOP Institution Code

COL for FCI Coleman Low, COX for Coleman Federal Correctional Complex

Medical Care Level

Level 2. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.

Mental Health Care Level

Level 3.

Judicial District

Middle District of Florida

Population Number

FCI Coleman Low houses approximately 1,670 inmates. The camp houses around 330 inmates.

Fci Coleman Low | Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low

FCI Coleman Low Prison Services Information


Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low is a low-security federal prison in Coleman, Florida, housing male inmates. The prison opened in 1995 and is part of the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex. Coleman Prison Camp, which also houses male inmates, is located adjacent to the central institution.

Media reports indicate that one guard was indicted for possessing child pornography. Two other guards have been indicted for assaulting an inmate and falsifying reports concerning the beating.

Other Federal Correctional Complex Coleman institutions include USP Coleman and FCI Coleman Medium. Both are United States Department of Justice federal prisons.

Inmate Housing

FCC Coleman inmates live in dormitories divided into two- and three-person pods. There are 12 housing units, each housing approximately 170 inmates. Camp inmates are housed in dormitories, which are divided into two-person cubicles.

Health Services

FCI Coleman Low provides the following medical services to inmates:

  • Sick Call
  • Emergency Care
  • Intake Screening
  • Physical Examinations
  • Medications
  • Dental Services
  • HIV Testing
  • Eye Exams
  • Prescription Glasses

Federal inmates must pay a $2 co-pay for self-referral services but not for the following medical care:

  • Healthcare services are based on healthcare staff referrals.
  • Staff-approved follow-up treatment for a chronic condition.
  • Preventive Health Care Services
  • Emergency services
  • Diagnosis or treatment of chronic infectious diseases.
  • Mental Health Care
  • Substance Abuse Treatment

The $2.00 co-pay is also not charged when a healthcare provider orders or approves any of the following services:

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Glucose Monitoring
  • Insulin Injections
  • Chronic Care Clinics
  • TB Testing
  • Vaccinations
  • Wound Care
  • Patient Education

A sick call is held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 7:00 a.m. Pill and insulin lines are held around mealtimes.

Psychology Services

Coleman Correctional Facility offers the following inmate treatment programs:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Psychiatric Consultation
  • Crisis Intervention
  • AIDS Counseling

Upcoming group offerings are posted in inmate housing units. Inmates must submit a cop-out to request program placement. Self-help programs are also available, including Sexually Abusive Behavior Prevention and Intervention.

Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)

FCI Coleman Low has the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). The facility also offers the Non-Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (NR-DAP), Drug Education class, Freedom from Drugs course, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

FCI Coleman Low Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings

Education Services

Coleman Correctional Facility offers literacy, GED, and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. Adult Continuing Education (ACE) classes and a parenting program are also available. High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.

You can learn more about prison education offerings here.

Advanced Occupational Education

FCI Coleman Low offers advanced occupational education in these areas:

  • Culinary Arts
  • Cook, HVAC
  • Electric
  • Custodial Maintenance
  • Horticulture
  • Mavis Beacon Typing Program

The University of Florida operates the Horticulture and Culinary Arts Programs. The camp offers Cosmetology, Horticulture, HVAC, and Custodial Maintenance.

Vocational Training

Coleman Federal Correctional Complex does not offer any vocational training programs.


Coleman Correctional Facility offers Dental Assistant, HVAC, Landscape Tech, and Plumber apprenticeship programs. The prison camp offers Electrician, HVAC, Landscape Tech, and Plumbing apprenticeships.

Library Services

FCI Coleman Low has both a leisure library and a law library. Both libraries are open six days a week, excluding Sundays and holidays.

The leisure library allows inmates to check out fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, and newspapers.

The law library provides inmates access to the TRULINCS Electronic Law Library and electronic typewriters. A photocopy machine is also available in the leisure library. Many housing units also have in-unit libraries.


The Coleman Correctional Facility’s UNICOR facility produces office furniture.


The spending limit is $360.00 per month and $90 per week. FCC Coleman inmates receive identification cards. These are used when shopping in the commissary. Account balances can be checked from TRULINCS computers in inmate housing units.

Commissary items include:

  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Radios
  • MP3 Players
  • Over-the-Counter Medications

Inmates must turn in their orders the day before shopping. While each unit shops on a specific day, the commissary is only open Monday through Thursday from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m.

Recreation Services

The FCI Coleman Low Recreation Department offers both indoor and outdoor activities.

The recreation yard includes:

  • Flag Football/Soccer Field
  • Volleyball Court
  • Handball/Racquetball Courts
  • Shuffleboard
  • Horseshoe Pits
  • Walking/Running Track
  • Softball Fields
  • Basketball Courts
  • Multi-Purpose Court
  • Bocce Courts
  • TVs
  • Fitness Stations (e.g., pull-up and dip bars)

Major and minor intramural leagues are available for the following sports:

  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Volleyball
  • Handball
  • Flag Football
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Horseshoes
  • Bocce Ball
  • Racquetball

There is also a music room, arts and crafts program, games (e.g., board games), movies, pool tables, fitness classes (e.g., yoga), rowing machines, ellipticals, and more.

Visitation Information for FCI Coleman Low

On Sunday, Monday, and Saturday, visitation is held between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. On federal holidays visitation is held between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.

Fci Coleman Low | Coleman Correctional Facility

FCI Coleman Low Prison Culture Information

Prison Politics at Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low

There is a very low level of politics if any at all. According to one FCC Coleman respondent, “I expected more politics. Divides are obvious between Black, white, and Spanish inmates, but gangs don’t necessarily run the yard or anything.” Another inmate stated that “there are barely any politics, just the regular racial segregations amongst inmates.”

Level of Violence

There is a low level of violence. According to one respondent, “Fights are rare here.” Another inmate agreed, stating, “There are occasional fights, but they are rarely serious.” One respondent noted that the institution is “safe.”

Vulnerable Populations

Sex offenders, informants, and LGBT inmates can all walk the yard. According to one inmate, “I’m a sex offender and found I have no fear and walk/live freely everywhere.” Another expanded on this, stating, “There are high sex offender, informant, gay, and transgender populations.”

Good at FCC Coleman Low

“Low politics and typically laid back.” “The facility is well [kept] compared to other Fed facilities.”

“Open compound on weekends and after the evening meal on weekdays.”

“Relatively clean, decent food, very easy place to be if not interested in many illicit activities.” “The food quality is good, but the quantity leaves something to be desired.”

Bad at Coleman Correctional Facility

“Visitation is treated like higher security compounds.” “Lots of drug use.”

“There is little to no staff oversight, including even the Warden’s staff. No accountability for staff. The staff is dysfunctional, don’t communicate well with each other or the inmate population, and are surprisingly lazy.”

“The bulk of the staff are very unhappy in their roles here and may take this out on the inmate population.” “It seems as though everything is deteriorating every month. There are increasingly harsh regulations, fewer freedoms, fewer privileges, and poorer food.”

“Compound closes at a drop of rain, overcrowded, commissary consistently out of stock, and medical very slow.” “All non-orderly inmates must leave the unit from 7:40 a.m. work call until 9:30 a.m. recall, Monday through Friday.”

“In visitation, inmates have to wear a jumpsuit instead of their regular uniform.” “The Mail Room restricts greeting cards, colored paper, crayon and marker drawings, and other materials.”

Other Inmate Comments

“I live in an all-veterans unit of 180 veterans. This is the safest, cleanest, and most organized example of what is possible.”

“Not a terrible place to do time, depending on what a person is interested in doing.” “There is very little violence and next to no politics.”

“Moves are typically on time, and unless the weather is bad, the recreation yard is typically open.” “I’d rate it 6.5 or 7 out of 10.”

FCI Coleman Low in the News

In April 2018, administrators at Coleman Federal Correctional Complex announced that prisoners would no longer be allowed to receive books, greeting cards, or letters written in crayons or markers. Books would only be purchased from internal prison suppliers, which incur a 30 percent markup and significant delays in delivery. The book policy was subsequently rescinded.

In August 2017, Albert Larry Harris, a corrections officer at Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low, was arrested for taking thousands of dollars in bribes to smuggle drugs and other contraband into the prison.

Coleman Prison Camp in the News

In January 2018, former Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown reported to Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Camp to begin serving her five-year sentence for fraud.

More Information About Federal Correctional Institution Coleman Low

For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.

Your FCI Coleman Low Experts

Know someone at FCI Coleman Low? If so, contact the Zoukis Consulting Group today. Our team of expert prison consultants can answer your questions and help you seek an early release.

Schedule an initial consultation with an FCC Coleman prison expert today.