FCI McKean | McKean Federal Correctional Institution

Federal Correctional Institution McKean is a medium-security federal prison in Lewis Run, Pennsylvania. It is also known as FCI McKean and the McKean County federal prison. FCI McKean Camp is next to the central institution. Both prisons house male federal inmates.

FCI McKean Contact Information

Facility Address & Contact Information

Federal Correctional Institution McKean
6975 Route 59
Lewis Run, PA 16738

Phone: 814-362-8900
Fax: 814-363-6821
Email: [email protected]

BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page

Inmate Correspondence Address

FCI McKean

Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701

FCI McKean Prison Camp

Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI McKean
Satellite Prison Camp
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA

How to Send Money

When incarcerated in federal prison, inmates cannot receive funds directly. This includes money from friends, family, or any other source.

If you want to send money to an inmate in federal prison, you must do so through Western Union or the National Lockbox in Des Moines, Iowa. You must provide the inmate’s name and prisoner number on the monetary instrument.

For more information on sending money to federal prisoners, please see our page on sending money to federal prisoners.

Federal Correctional Institution McKean Inmate Information

Inmate Gender

FCI McKean is a federal prison for male inmates.

Prison Security Level

Facility Location

FCI McKean is located in northwest Pennsylvania between Bradford and Kane, 90 miles south of Buffalo, off Route 59, one-fourth mile east of the intersection of State Route 59 and U.S. Route 219.

BOP Region

Northeast Region

BOP Institution Code

MCK for FCI McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania

Medical Care Level

Level 1. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.

Mental Health Care Level

Level 1.

Judicial District

Western District of Pennsylvania

Population Number

FCI McKean County federal prison houses approximately 900 inmates. The camp houses around 130 inmates.

FCI McKean | McKean Federal Correctional Institution

FCI McKean Prison Services Information


McKean Federal Correctional Institution is a medium-security federal prison in Lewis Run, Pennsylvania. It opened in 1989. FCI McKean Camp is next to the primary institution. Both federal prisons house male offenders.

Notable inmates include:

  • Former acting boss of the Colombo crime family Alphonse Persico (serving a life sentence for murder)
  • Philadelphia politician Chaka Fattah (sentenced to ten years for racketeering)
  • Actor Wesley Snipes (served two years at the camp for failing to file tax returns)
  • MLB pitcher Denny McLain (served six years for money laundering, conspiracy, theft, and mail fraud)

Media reports indicate that one inmate was indicted for assaulting a guard, and two prisoners were indicted for drug conspiracy. At least one prisoner was charged with drug possession, and one guard was charged with a weapons violation after getting drunk at home and trying to shoot off his wedding ring. In addition, at least one inmate has escaped from the prison.

Inmate Housing

Inmates live in two-, four-, six-, eight-, and twelve-person cells. Prisoners at the camp live in dorms divided into two-person cubicles.

Health Services

FCI McKean offers various health services cares, including:

  • Medical and Dental Sick Call
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Routine Dental Care
  • Medical and Dental Emergency Care
  • Medications
  • Preventive Care
  • Restorative Care
  • Long-Term Care
  • End-of-Life Care

Inmates can request medical care by attending weekly sick calls between 7:30 and 8 a.m. Emergency medical care is available 24 hours a day. Pill line is conducted at 6:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Psychology Services

Psychology services at the McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania include:

  • Screening, Assessment, and Treatment of Mental Health Problems
  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Psycho-Educational Classes
  • Self-Help and Supportive Services
  • Referral to Health Services for Medical Treatment of Mental Illness

Inmates who are new or previously identified as having mental health or drug abuse programming needs are scheduled for an interview with Psychology Services staff to review their history and determine their programming needs. Psychological programs offered at FCI McKean include:

  • Anger Management
  • Emotional Self-Regulation
  • Criminal Thinking
  • Seeking Safety

Inmates can request placement in these programs by submitting an Inmate Request to Staff form.

Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)

McKean Federal Correctional Institution does not have the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). The camp has the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). Both facilities offer the Drug Education Course and the Non-Residential Drug Abuse Program (NR-DAP).

FCI McKean Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings

Education Services

FCI McKean County federal prison provides literacy, GED, and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs. Incentive awards are provided to recognize inmates progressing satisfactorily and completing the literacy (i.e., GED and ESL) program. Inmates may also receive incentives for progressing to various educational levels in the GED or ESL programs.

Graduation ceremonies recognize GED, ESL, and Occupational Education completions. Adult Continuing Education (ACE) classes and a parenting program are available. High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.

Advanced Occupational Education

The McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania offers advanced occupational education classes in Culinary Arts and NCCER Carpentry Levels 1 & 2. The camp provides Teacher’s Aide.

Vocational Training

FCI McKean and the satellite camp do not offer any vocational training besides advanced occupational education and apprenticeship programs.


McKean County federal prison offers Career Technician, Cook, Electrician, Housekeeping, and Teacher’s Aide apprenticeships. The camp does not offer any apprenticeship programs.

Library Services

FCI McKean federal prison offers both a leisure and law library to inmates. The leisure library offers magazines, newspapers, fiction, nonfiction, and reference books. An interlibrary loan program is available. DVD movies are also available for viewing.

Inmates are provided access to legal materials and an opportunity to prepare legal documents through the TRULINCS Electronic Law Library. A copy machine is available to reproduce materials needed for research. Electric typewriters are also available for inmate use.


McKean Federal Correctional Institution does not have a UNICOR factory.


Inmates can spend $360.00 monthly in the prison commissary on their assigned shopping days. Clothing, shoes, electronics, food, drink mixes, and other items are available.

Spending limits on certain items may apply. To shop, inmates must go to the commissary, turn in their order form, and wait for their order to be filled. Sales are conducted at 6:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Recreation Services

Prison recreation activities at FCI McKean include organized and informal games, including:

  • Sports
  • Table Games
  • Hobby Crafts
  • Music Programs
  • Intramural Activities
  • Social and Cultural Organizations
  • Movies

Art activities include painting and sketches using traditional methods, such as:

  • Oils
  • Pastels
  • Crayons
  • Pencils
  • Inks
  • Charcoal

Prisoners have access to many hobby craft activities, including:

  • Ceramics
  • Leatherwork
  • Models
  • Clay
  • Mosaics
  • Crochet
  • Knitting
  • Sculptures
  • Woodworking
  • Lapidary

Wellness programs include screening, assessments, goal setting, fitness/nutrition plans, and counseling.

Indoors, inmates have access to the following:

  • Leathercraft
  • Art Room
  • Band Room
  • Tables
  • Musical Instruments
  • TVs
  • Stationary Bikes
  • Ellipticals

Outdoors, inmates can access softball, soccer, handball, pull-up bars, and a track.

Visitation Information for FCI McKean

On Sunday and Saturday, visitation is between 8:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. On Friday, visitation is held between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. On federal holidays visiting hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.

FCI McKean | McKean Federal Prison

FCI McKean Prison Culture Information

Prison Politics at Federal Correctional Institution McKean

The McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania is a very political yard. Inmates must be part of a car or gang to stay.

Level of Violence

There is a moderate level of violence at this facility. Inmates report fights being common.

Vulnerable Populations

Sex offenders and LGBT inmates can’t stay on the yard.

Good at FCI McKean County Federal Prison

“I can’t think of a good thing about it except for the trees.”

Bad at FCI McKean Federal Prison

“Everything. Nothing is good.” “No air conditioning.”

Other Inmate Comments

“Don’t go unless you like hot and hard political time.”

McKean Prison Camp Prison Culture Information

Prison Politics at McKean Prison Camp

There are no politics at this prison.

Level of Violence

Inmates report virtually no violence. One inmate said, “There are maybe one or two fights yearly.”

Vulnerable Populations

While BOP policy prohibits sex offenders from being placed at a camp, informants and LGBT inmates do not have any problems staying at this facility.

Bad at McKean Prison Camp

“Health Services is overwhelmed.”

FCI McKean in the News

In January 2018, Rogelio Muniz-Valdez, a prisoner at Federal Correctional Institution McKean, was sentenced to an additional year and a day in prison for throwing urine at a guard in March 2017.

In July 2017, Malinda Penezich was indicted for an undisclosed incident at McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania.

In May 2017, Josean Reyes-Pagan, an inmate at McKean County federal prison, was convicted of possessing smuggled drugs. The U.S. Department of Justice prosecuted him.

In March 2013, Jose Cardenas-Covarrubias and Donaciano Contreras-Monje, prisoners at the FCI McKean, were charged, along with two outside accomplices, with organizing the sale of 13 pounds of methamphetamine to undercover police officers.

Also, in March 2013, Alfredo Malespini III, a guard at FCI McKean federal prison in Pennsylvania, shot his finger trying to get his wedding ring off in a drunken argument with his wife. He was subsequently charged with weapons violations and disorderly conduct.

In November 2017, Ghassan Saleh, an inmate who escaped from FCI McKean federal prison in June 1997, was recaptured after U.S. Marshals found out he was scheduled to return to the U.S. on a flight from his home country of Lebanon.

In 2005, prisoners at FCI McKean protested a prison smoking ban with a work strike, resulting in a temporary lockdown.

McKean Prison Camp in the News

In December 2010, actor Wesley Snipes reported to Federal Correctional Institution McKean Camp to begin serving a three-year sentence for failing to file his taxes.

More Information About Federal Correctional Institution McKean

For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about FCI McKean County federal prison, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.