Healthcare settlement for California’s dangerously overcrowded county jails

Healthcare settlement for California’s dangerously overcrowded county jails

Litigation over healthcare concerns in Riverside County (California) jails was settled in the last week of October, with a view of dramatically improving an ailing system. A lengthy list of complainants on the suit, brought to the courts by Prison Law Office, The settlement has yet to be approved by the courts, but details include increased medical staffing, improved accommodation for disabled inmates, and improved access to health services. 

While the suit deals with county jails versus prisons, all cases involving healthcare issues set important precedents, as they are issues generally understood to be representing universal standards (for example, diabetes is diabetes, regardless of whether a prisoner is in a jail or a prison).

Prison Law Office is no stranger to prisoners’ rights;  they’re the same firm that filed suit over California’s overcrowding issues, resulting in a Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to cede responsibility for health care to the federal government. 
