Special Interest Publications

As there are in the “outside” world, there are numerous publications in the prison world geared to readers with a specific area of interest.

Death-Row and Lifetime Prisoners


Compassion is a bi-monthly newsletter written by death-row prisoners. Various subscription rates are available based on personal circumstances. To subscribe, write:

c/o St. Rose Peace and Justice
140 W. South Boundary Street
Perrysburg, OH 43551


Lifelines is the publication of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. It is published every 4 months. For more information, contact:

c/o National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
1750 DeSales Street, NW, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036



Lifer-Line, a monthly online publication available in both English and Spanish, focuses on issues of interest to life-term prisoners. It is available free for those outside of prison and mailed to prisoners as resources allow. For more information, contact:

CO/ Life Support Alliance
P.O. Box 277
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741

(916) 402-3750

Education for Prisoners

Education Behind Bars Newsletter

The Education Behind Bars Newsletter (EBBN) is a free, bi-monthly publication directed toward prisoner students and prison educators. It is founded on the belief that by educating prisoners, we can make a huge impact on reducing recidivism and significantly reducing the national budget while promoting a safer, more prosperous nation. EBBN publishes writings from prisoner students and prison educators on topics relating to prison education and prisoners’ rights. EBBN is published by Middle Street Publishing.

To receive free news updates three times a week, prisoners with access to Corrlinks.com can add [email protected] to their contacts list. These updates focus on prison education, prison law, and prisoners’ rights.

Those outside of prison can view the electronic edition of EBBN online here at PrisonEducation.com. Middle Street Publishing also operates the Zoukis Prisoner Resource, which answers the real-life pre-sentence, pre-prison, in-prison, and post-prison questions for prisoners, those going to prison, the loved ones of prisoners, and prison consultants and attorneys.  

Health-Related Prisoner Publications


CorrectCare is a quarterly newspaper that covers correctional health care. Prison libraries may subscribe to this publication by contacting:

c/o National Commission on Correctional Health Care
1145 W. Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614

(773) 880-1460

Damien Center Newsletter

Damien Center Newsletter is a free, bi-monthly publication focused on AIDS-related issues. For more information, contact:

Damien Center Newsletter
c/o Damien Center
26 N. Arsenal
Indianapolis, IN 46201

(317) 632-0123


Dispatch is a quarterly newsletter focused on AIDS-related issues. For more information, contact:

AIDS Delaware
100 W. 10th Street, #315
Wilmington, DE 19801

(302) 652-6776

Innocent and Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners

Justice Denied

Justice Denied is a magazine focused on exposing wrongful convictions and how and why they occur. Six issues: $10 for prisoners, $20 for others. $3 for a sample issue.

Justice Denied
P.O. Box 68911
Seattle, WA 98168

(202) 335-4254

Legal Interests and Litigators

Correctional Law Reporter

Correctional Law Reporter is a bi-monthly law publication that covers recent court decisions and legislative developments in the correctional law realm. Subscriptions are $179.95 per year. For more information, contact:

Correctional Law Reporter
C/O Civic Research Institute
P.O. Box 585
Kingston, NJ 08528

(609) 683-4450
[email protected]

Justice Quarterly

Justice Quarterly is a quarterly publication, published by Routledge, which contains academic articles approved by the Academy of Criminal Justice Services. Subscriptions are $75 per year and come with a membership to the Academy of Criminal Justice Services. For more information, contact:

Justice Quarterly
C/O Routledge Customer Service
325 Chestnut Street, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106

(800) 354-1420
[email protected]


The Fire Inside

The Fire Inside is a bi-annual print and web newsletter providing a space where women prisoners and their supporters communicate with one another and the broader public about the issues and experiences faced specifically by women prisoners. The publication prints articles, editorials, art, and poetry, some of which are translated into Spanish. Available at no charge from:

California Coalition for Women Prisoners
1540 Market St., Suite 490
San Francisco, CA 94102

Tel: (415) 255-7036 ext. 4.
[email protected] 


The Beat Within

The Beat Within presents a forum for writing and artwork from juvenile prisoners across the country and editorial commentary on every published piece. Available weekly online and monthly in print, it is free to prisoners, teachers, counselors, and correctional staff. Others are asked for a donation to Pacific New Service in the name of The Beat Within. To subscribe, write to:

275 Ninth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Tel: (415) 503-4170
[email protected]