The Death Row Inmate Project

The Death Row Inmate Project

What follows is the text from a very informative zine titled A Grassroots Anti-Death Penalty Social Network.
“The Death Row Inmate Project is a volunteer-based collaboration which continues to grow out of a call for global recognition of fallibilities within the capital punishment controversy, as well as wrongful convictions resulting from the death sentences from broken judicial systems here and abroad – executing innocent people.
This diverse grassroots organization provides a voice for the marginalized while catering to the demands of those who weep for societal change, dispelling horrific stigma while in pursuit of truth and equal justice, educating the people with an accurate flow of information, and working to remove the oppressive conditions on death rows around the world.
Born in the flames of adversity, even now, Death Row Inmates remains the direct product of the existential conflict of men and women alike on death row. It was formed to meet the needs of others like us, because no-one can better relate to captivity, than the captive himself. Think about that! From our tiny prison cells to yours (or that of a loved-one) between the caged will and intellect of your peers and the hearts and minds of our compatriots in the outside world, we hope to create a formidable alliance that works to transcend these dire circumstances. We’re staking our very lives on it!
Through education, we intend to assist like-minded organizations in their respective capacities, to bring campaigns for amnesty, clemency, pardons, and other forms of relief for the wrongfully-convicted men and women, lost within these repressive institutions.
Unbefitting the societies we live in, the death penalty is undeniably inappropriate in every situation, generally argued for by those in favor. When is enough, really enough?
Our strength resides in the bonds we build with those in the ongoing fight for moratorium/abolition, those who use every opportunity to reconnect with humanity and their moral sense of conviction, along with those who recall the triumph of the human spirit.
Death Row Inmates wishes to extend an encouraging invitation from our family to yours, visitors, and loved-ones (inside prison walls and out) to join in membership and stand united in pursuit of stimulating global opposition to capital ‘murde,r’ otherwise masked and referred to as ‘punishment’ by state and federal governments on epic scales.
There are many progressive organizations on the ground, giving energy to this enormous international movement to abolish capital punishment. We are but one little fish in a vast ocean, designed to give death row prisoners and activists alike, a stage from which to speak. Death Row Inmates is ‘telling-it-like-it-is,’ educating the masses, organizing visibility while promoting solidarity through participation with those committed to sharing data and critical resources with our dedicated family members and friends – the necessary components of our continued success.
In our current model, lies a growing public forum, the ‘center’ of Death Row Inmates’ interactive exchange of information and ideas, our Tahrir (liberation) Square, what we intend to develop and maintain as the heartbeat of our evolution, promoting productive alternatives and positive activities for all involved.
Naturally, evolution is vital when explaining why we do what we do, but it isn’t everything.
As an outlet for death row prisoners and anti-death penalty activists alike, we labor vocally and visibly, confronting greed and tyranny from prison interest lobbies, politicians, and those who legalize terror at tremendous costs to taxpayers within the criminal justice system, building magnificent careers upon the brittle bones of the condemned, while readily denying ‘justice for all.’
For those of us who share this fate, ‘the closer we are to death, the harder we cling to life.’
Strengthening Death Row Inmates’ social structure means developing some continuity and most-notably, activities like The Papyrus Collective, an accountable forum of relevant and insightful voices of today’s progressive-thinking prisoners on death row, only the beginning of an evolution in a 21st century prisoner’s movement, a symbol in the struggle against the death penalty and for humane treatment of all prisoners.
This workshop of talent combines various genres of literary expression geared toward inspiring action in our at-risk youth, influencing self, and releasing quarterly anecdotal commentaries prompting social and political awareness with an infrastructure that includes volunteer support and cooperation from a Google engineer.
Naturally, we encourage volunteerism in all of its forms whether or not you do so with Death Row Inmates. In the end, it’s about helping one-another in these shared fights ahead. The bigger the challenge, the greater the reward.
Demonstrations around the globe, remind us to never take for granted or underestimate the power of protest.
Among many other adaptations, Death Row Inmates has a number of facets which round off the current efforts. Some of these include as previously mentioned, The Papyrus Collective, we have a small but very effective penpal service for death row and life prisoners where 60-month memberships accompany premium applications and features similar to other penpal services, but with a personal touch and a great deal more traffic. With your family and friends becoming new Death Row Inmate members, you can have them submit a series of articles, blog entries, photos, newsfeeds, video content, display ads, and so much more. Link your other profiles (e.g. Facebook and MySpace) to increase your online traffic from It’s about staying connected with loved-ones and the world at-large by using our network. It’s a great place to start.
Death Row Inmates is working to prevent institutional apathy and outright prejudice, pursuing state and federal policy whereby inmates can make the ‘ultimate restitution’ through living vital organ and tissue transplants. Have your people ‘weigh-in’ in our online ballot. Your efforts are required to change this if we’re to seek voter approval and, if necessary, legislation.
Meet ‘Convicts Against Cancer’ on, a series of honorary living memorials of those whom have endured the ravages of cancer, but have touched our lives, and whose bravery and dignity inspire us to support life and research through charity.
Our Twitter (@DeathRowInmates) following is gigantic and our voice is strong. We even have our very own YouTube Channel, a growing product line in the Death Row Inmates’ store where t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, calendars, and much more assist us in meeting our formidable budgetary challenges.
Are you an author or artist with a great idea? New writers who wish to contact a Death Row Inmates’ representative for purposes of getting your voice(s) heard, may do so, by writing to any of the following. Make sure you submit your request with a self-addressed stamped envelope when seeking our penpal application. If you’re interested in participating in The Papyrus Collective effort and/or wish to share your artwork in our forthcoming online gallery collaborations, feel free to make inquiry with us.”
They can be contacted by going to, emailing [email protected], following them on Twitter @DeathRowInmate, or writing to the following:
The DRI Project/PMB #154
3298 North Glassford Hill Road #104
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Michael Flinner
P.O. Box V-30064
San Quentin, CA 94964
Spencer Brasure
P.O. Box P-10000
San Quentin, CA 94964
Byron Wilson (General Coordinator ‘Papyrus Collective’)
P.O. Box P-76622
San Quentin, CA 94964