United States Penitentiary Coleman 1 is a high-security federal correctional institution located in Sumterville, Florida. The facility houses male inmates. Learn more about Coleman Federal Prison, Florida, including inmates, facility address, and more here.
Table of contents
USP Coleman 1 Contact Information
Coleman Prison Address & Contact Information
United States Penitentiary Coleman 1
846 NE 54th Terrace
Sumterville, FL 33521
Phone: 352-689-6000
Fax: 352-689-6012
Email: [email protected]
BOP Website: Bureau of Prisons Page
Wikipedia: Wikipedia Page
Inmate Correspondence Address
USP Coleman 1
Inmate Name and Registration Number
USP Coleman 1
United States Penitentiary
P.O. Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
How to Send Money
Do not send money to inmates directly. See our page on sending money to federal prisoners.
United States Penitentiary Coleman 1 Inmate Information
Inmate Gender
Male Inmates
Prison Security Level
Facility Location
USP Coleman 1 is located in central Florida, south of the town of Coleman, off Highway 301 on State Road 470 in Sumter County, about 50 miles northwest of Orlando, 60 miles northeast of Tampa, and 35 miles south of Ocala.
BOP Region
BOP Institution Code
COP for USP Coleman 1, COX for Coleman Federal Correctional Complex
Medical Care Level
Level 2/3. See our page on Medical Care Levels and Procedures for more information.
Mental Health Care Level
Level 3.
Judicial District
Population Number
USP Coleman 1 houses approximately 1,390 inmates.
USP Coleman 1 Prison Services Information
United States Penitentiary Coleman 1 is a high-security federal prison in Coleman, Florida, which houses male inmates. Opened in 2001, it is part of the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex. It is administered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the Department of Justice.
Media reports indicate that at least two guards have been indicted for smuggling contraband into the institution. Additionally, 19 inmates have been indicted for smuggling drugs into the prison.
There have been at least two inmate murders at the institution, according to media reports. In one of the murders, staff staged circumstances to allow the inmate to be murdered and were subsequently given life sentences for their involvement.
Inmate Housing
Coleman, Florida prison inmates are housed in one and two-person cells. There are approximately 110 inmates in each housing unit.
Health Services
USP Coleman 1 provides sick-call, first-aid, dental care, eyeglasses, physical examinations, emergency and routine treatment, and follow-up care. Prescription medications are available through the pharmacy. Emergency medical care is available 24 hours a day.
Psychology Services
Psychology Services staff at USP Coleman prison address the needs of inmates through programming, including an initial intake exam and services for emotional problems, sexual assault prevention, and the CODE program.
The Challenge Program is also available for inmates who are prone to substance abuse, mental illness, and violence. Currently, psychology classes include anger management, cognitive thinking skills, and criminal thinking. Psychologists are available for individual and/or group psychotherapy as needed.
Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)
USP Coleman 1 does not have the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). A Drug Abuse Education class, the Non-Residential Drug Abuse Program (NR-DAP), Challenge Program, and referrals to the Residential Drug Abuse Program are available.
USP Coleman 1 Educational, Library, and Recreation Offerings
Education Services
USP Coleman 1 provides literacy, GED, and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs in English and Spanish. Adult Continuing Education classes include:
- Business
- Spanish
- Commercial Driver’s License
- Creative Writing
- Parenting
- Public Speaking
- Pre-Release Programming
- Employment
- Personal Finance Skills
High school diplomas and post-secondary degrees are available through paid correspondence programs.
Advanced Occupational Education
Coleman federal prison inmates can participate in a Culinary Arts advanced occupational education program.
Vocational Training
Vocational training classes include Culinary Arts, Custodial Maintenance, and MS Office.
USP Coleman 1 offers apprenticeships in Cook, Electrician, HVAC, and Plumbing.
Library Services
Law and leisure libraries are available to inmates at USP Coleman 1. The law library houses TRULINCS Electronic Law Library terminals, a copy machine, and typewriters. The leisure library has newspapers, periodicals, and fiction and nonfiction books. Both libraries are open from Monday through Saturday and closed on Sundays and holidays.
USP Coleman 1 does not house a UNICOR facility.
Inmates may spend up to $360.00 per month, with a weekly limit of $90. Inmates may purchase name-brand items through the commissary. Designated shopping days take place once per week. Reintegration Housing Unit inmates have their commissary orders delivered to the housing unit.
Recreation Services
USP Coleman 1 provides a recreation yard, hobby craft center, leisure center, sports leagues, music center, cards and games room, and a fitness area.
The fitness area contains:
- Spinning Bikes
- Treadmills
- Elliptical Machines
- Rowing Machines
- Step Machines
- Sit-Up Boards
The games room includes table games such as foosball and ping pong. Outside, inmates have access to a track, basketball, softball, football, soccer, handball, horseshoes, and bocce ball. Inmates in the RHU have restricted access to recreation.
Visitation Information for Coleman, Florida Prison Inmates
On Sunday, Monday, and Saturday, visiting hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. On federal holidays visiting hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. See our page on prisoner visitation rules for more information.
USP Coleman 1 Prison Culture Information
Prison Politics at United States Penitentiary Coleman 1
This is a very political yard where all inmates must be part of a car. These are racially segregated groups. According to one inmate, “The general population is highly political.” The same inmate explained that there is a protective custody unit filled with “gang drop-outs” and “government cooperators.” In this unit, time is reported as being easier.
Level of Violence
Coleman, Florida prison inmates report significant violence at this facility. According to one respondent, “General population is very violent, even against staff members.” Another explained, “The violence is terrible. People are regularly killed.” Another inmate agreed, stating, “Violence is very high, and safety is very poor.” In the protective custody unit, “In the last two years, there have been no stabbings and only one simple fistfight. I have yet to see a guard attacked in here.”
Vulnerable Populations
As explained by one inmate, “Transgender and gay inmates, as well as sex offenders, are not allowed to walk the yard.”
In the protective custody unit, all three groups can walk.
Good at USP Coleman 1
“Efficient and extensive recreation department.”
Bad at USP Coleman 1
“Lockdowns happen all the time.” “Staff to put inmates out there or allow bad things to happen by turning a blind eye.”
“In the protective custody unit, we are stuck inside a small dorm all day, every day.” “In the RHU, recreation, medical treatment, and religious services are either delayed or nonexistent. Likewise, we only receive cold meals in the evening.”
Other Comments by Colemen Federal Prison Inmates
“Only go if you have clean paperwork.” “The protective custody unit has given me the chance to follow a genuine spiritual path. Nowhere else would that be possible at the penitentiary custody level. The RHU is a blessing overall.”
USP Coleman 1 in the News
In February 2018, Albert Larry Harris, a guard at United States Penitentiary Coleman 1, was sentenced to two years in prison for accepting a $5,000 bribe to smuggle drugs into the facility.
Between April 2014 and July 2015, Antwon Pitt, who had a long history of violent behavior and was serving two years at USP Coleman 1 for robbery, had 20 documented sexual offenses at the prison along with more than 20 other disciplinary offenses, including assault, refusing orders, destruction of property and fighting. In June 2016, less than a year after his release, Pitt was convicted of robbery, burglary, kidnapping, assault, and first-degree sexual abuse.
In December 2010, Miguel Jimenez, a prisoner at USP Coleman 1, was stabbed to death in the recreation yard.
In July 2010, Michael Kennedy, a guard at USP Coleman 1, was found guilty of the fatal assault of prisoner Richard Delano after he and guard Erin Sharma placed Delano in a cell with a prisoner they knew would assault him. Sharma was found guilty in July 2009 and sentenced to life in prison in October 2009. The assault took place in March 2005.
In July 2004, 19 prisoners at USP Coleman 1 were indicted for smuggling drugs, which included marijuana and heroin, into the prison.
In 2004, USP Coleman 1 prison cook Charles West was sentenced to 15 months for smuggling drugs into the prison.
More Information About United States Penitentiary Coleman 1
For a comprehensive look at life in federal prison, pick up a copy of Christopher Zoukis’ Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons. For more detailed information about USP Coleman 1, please buy a copy of the Directory of Federal Prisons: The Unofficial Guide to Bureau of Prisons Institutions by Christopher Zoukis.
Published Jun 3, 2018 by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA | Last Updated by Christopher Zoukis, JD, MBA on Jan 20, 2025 at 3:15 pm